Monday, May 2, 2011

Rachel our grand daughter at my 2006 show in Bloomington, Indiana


Dao, Way of Life, in Extreme Cursive Style 狂草



Dao is beyond the power of words
To define:
Terms may be used
But are none of them absolute.

Dao, Way of Life, in Standard Script 楷書

Dao means "Road", or "Way of Life" that people choose to follow. Its etymological sources come from 目 (eye) and 走 (stride). In other words, one strides along with eyes open in search of the right path to pursue.

What is your Dao? As you are striding along please keep your eyes wide open and you may find it.

My first Calligraphy Exhibition in Bloomington, Indiana

More than 30 pieces of calligraphy works shown at then John waldron Arts Center in Bloomington, Indiana. I single-handedly finished all the procedures before the show, which includes writing, mounting, framing,....

Son of the Dragon

龍子與我 Dragon stands for the symbol of Chinese tradition. Each Chinese is regarded as the son of the Dragon. Here these two characters are written in Bronze Script (金鼎文)

Two Long horizontal calligraphy-painting pieces at my exhibition

The third exhibit in Bloomington, Indiana (February 2011).

My most favorite section in Lao Tzu (Section 33)


Knowing others is wise; knowing yourself is bright; conquering others is powerful; surpassing oneself is strong; feeling contented is rich; pushing forward with force is ambitious; finding one's own center lasts long; being remembered after death is longevity.

Yuan-Min Tao's most famous line


採菊東籬下 Picking a sprig of chrysanthemum by the east hedge,

悠然見南山 I happily notice the South Mountain.

A sprig of Chrysanthemum Tao supposedly picked....

This is my image of the South Mountain

南山 (即江西廬山)

Stone Drum Script 石鼓文

Spiritual bird chirps at the rising sun,
Swimming fish enjoys the deep water.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

花開 (狂草)

Flower blooming