Monday, August 5, 2013

On May 21, 2013 I was invited for the third time annually to write calligraphy for each member of IU summer training program. I listed about 50 Chinese characters for each to choose from and wrote that particular Chinese character for him and her to take home. These are the ones I did lined up on the table awaiting to get dry.

Monday, July 8, 2013

On July 6th, 2013 four calligraphers are graduating with their mounting works in hand right in front of my house. We have had five weekly sessions before completion of the mounting procedures. We are very proud of their efforts!
Now their calligraphy works are ready for picture frames for a show. They look great, aren't they?

Monday, June 24, 2013

Starting from June 8, 2013 I am teaching another small class of Chinese Traditional Mounting Procedures. I have four students, all members of IU Calligraphy Club, who are eager to learn this ancient method of mounting to make their calligraphy works presentable. We are planning to meet every Saturday morning for 5 times to complete the course. There are two more sessions to go, hoping we will have a smooth going.
On June 22, 2013 my friends Linda and Andy are getting married. They both love dancing so much. So I made this "Double Happiness" as a token of our blessing and congratulation to them.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Our granddaughter Rachel who visited us in March 2013 with her Mom. She took time out to continue learning Chinese calligraphy, which, accordingly to her, is her favorite activity. Of course, I was happy to teach her this ancient Chinese art form, hoping eventually she would be able to write beautiful calligraphy. She is almost finishing one full page of calligraphy. She looks happy and contented.
This is another of my commissioned work--"Longevity" for a friend in Indianapolis who was celebrating his 80th birthday. It is written in extremely cursive style. The regular style looks like this: 壽. See how much they are different from each other.