Sunday, September 18, 2011

I'd like to play some erhu music while you are viewing my blog.

On January 28th 2011 I was giving an erhu concert at IU International Center--"Friday Noon Concert" series.
But the piece you hear is played on Chung-Hu (中胡), similar instrument as Er-Hu (二胡), slightly bigger in size, and five tones lower. By the way, the audio part used to work well until not long ago I totally lost the sound track of my erhu playing. Sorry, if you failed to hear it. My son knows how to fix it. When he comes in July 2012, I will ask him to put it back, if possible. Hopefully we will once again have an audio-visual appreciation of calligraphy, painting as well as music.

1 comment:

  1. 伯伯 我過來看您囉 您會拉二胡阿 真是佩服
